3 ways to have fun in life

Have you noticed recently, people having more fun? 


So, why doesn’t everyone proactively make time for fun? If the past two years made you realise you need to slow down and enjoy life again, here’s what the Oola formula (based on the bestselling book) says about adding Fun:


  1. Don’t put it off.  What would you do all day long if you had all the time and money in the world? Decide what “fun” means to you, and then start investigating ways to introduce more of it into your life. Make the process of discovery fun, too.

  2. Plan daily, annual and once-in-a lifetime fun. Find small ways to have fun every day. Then plan something bigger once a year. And for true life-changing fun, write your “bucket list” of once-in-a-lifetime experiences you want to enjoy. Work on making those happen – whether it’s saving the money, connecting with the right people, training for it, or something else.

  3. Unplug completely. When you’re having fun, don’t ruin it by thinking about the 20 other things you should be doing right now. Fun is an important task, too.


I’ve been talking a lot about building a solid life—then adding plentiful, affordable and guilt-free fun. To do this, Oola’s authors Dave & Troy created a simple formula: It helps people have a life of less stress, more happiness, and greater purpose. Not surprisingly, it’s the kind of life that also brings calm and certainty in an uncertain world.


It’s all about the Oola lifestyle, and it’s what I help others do as a Certified Oola Life Coach.


If you’ve been following me you know that I’ve joined forces with Dave & Troy to bring you the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more.


If you need to turn your uncertain world into a life that Rocks. I’m here for you. Book an Oola discovery session with me ...And in just 45 minutes (by Zoom) we can explore a game plan that will help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

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