Goal setting 101


Learn how to use goals as ROADMAPS™ to get you exactly where you wanna go.


Vague goals produce vague results.


That's one of the main reasons people do not achieve them. Download your quick guide to get them right using my ROADMAPS™ method! 

Goal Setting 101 workbook - playbook
C.R.A.P. board workbook - playbook

C.R.A.P. Board Plan

10 steps

to getting rid of your crappy negative thinking.


A technique created by Mark Robert Waldman in 2011, and it remains one of the most fun, useful, and popular strategies for stopping the brain from ruminating on your problems, fears and weaknesses.  

Fun ToDo List Templates


Decluttering and no idea where to start?

Download the pdf to get organised. 

Make a game out of doing tedious stuff.
Find new ways of getting things done and have fun along the way.

BONUS: You’ll also get the how-to-do it!

Fun ToDo List templates pdf
Hour of power monthly review workbook - playbook

Hour of Power Monthly Review Playbook


7 questions to help you get organised:

An efficient way to stay on course to achieve everything you want in your life. 


You should not only celebrate all your accomplishments but also acknowledge what's working and what's not. 
Make adjustments and plan for the month ahead.
Reserve an hour at the end of each month and complete the Playbook. 

Accelerate your results with affirmations


An Affirmation is a powerful tool that can help you change limiting beliefs and stop the negative self-talk creating roadblocks on your way to success.


Use affirmations to retrain your brain and make it work FOR you rather than against you to achieve anything you want in your life. 


Wanna know how to write Affirmations that really work? Get your free guide here. 

How to write affirmations workbook - playbook

Oola Freebies

Clear the clutter Oola workbook - playbook

dEclutter-Decide-Delete checklist


Are you being busy just being busy? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by all the unfinished things and messiness in your life?


Start creating space for something new!

Create the time to focus on what truly matters to you. 


Use this amazing checklist that will help you put all unfinished business in order!

Design your dream life


I’d like to help you decide what you want, write it down, and talk about ways to bring it about—faster than you ever thought possible.


To start the process, I have a FREE planning journal. Inside you’ll find a 7-part exercise that helps you look at every area of your life today . . . privately, on your own, with no one checking your answers. 

Design your dream life Oola workbook - playbook



In order to start creating the life you want, you first need to know where you are now.


You need to know exactly what the problem is so you can fix it. 


Take the OOLAWHEEL Assessment and find out

Create your life plan free webinar


3 steps (and 3 mistakes to avoid) to start creating
the life you want


Sign up for my 45-min Free Webinar

On-demand. You can watch it immediately!

Create your life plan Oola webinar link
Oola Bucket list planner workbook - playbook

When was the last time you had some fun? 


Fun is a critical component of a balanced and happy life. To help you have more fun in the future, I’ve got a planner that will help you write your “Bucket List”: those things you want to do, be and have before you “kick the bucket,” such as running a marathon, flying in a private jet, meeting a famous person, winning an award . . . the possibilities are endless.


Dream big and start making a plan to cross things off your Bucket List. Live your life to the fullest!

5 Tips to Being Happy, Balanced & Growing  in a Career You Love Oola workbook

do you need to make a change

to create more joy, abundance, and satisfaction

in your work-life?


You might be looking for something different. Or simply more time off. More freedom. Less stress. More visibility in your industry. Or better pay.


Whatever’s on your checklist, have you thought about ways you can have more fun, show up in a bigger way, grow as a person, and finally make the kind of income you dream of?


Here are

5 Tips to Being Happy, Balanced & Growing

in a Career You Love

Do's and Don'ts to help you get a clear idea of how to get there. 

Find balance in your life!

Calm the chaos and start planning the good times

I cannot only help you create a plan for achieving your goals in major life categories like fitness, finances, and field (career), but I'll also make sure your plan includes a whole lot of fun.


Whether you need financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the unique coaching program I deliver is designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want.


You deserve an amazing life!


Click below and we can jump on a 45-minute discovery call to talk about your goals and a game plan.

    Subscribe to receive free tips and tools that will inspire you to live Oola!... a life of less stress & more balance... a life YOU choose, instead of one where you're just a spectator of events happening TO you...